Antique Needlework Tools & Embroideries

Antique Needlework Tools & Embroideries
35.00 *Prijzen zijn inclusief btw
Antique Needlework Tools & Embroideries
216 pages
color photos
Hard cover with dust jacket
28 x 22 cm
1,268 kg

The book starts with the heavy silver needlework tools of the seventeenth century which are related to the raised and padded embroidery of that era now known as stumpwork. The more delicate embroidery tools of the Georgian era are grouped together with fine embroideries. Illustrations of Georgian sewing boxes and sewing sets show the wonderful varieties available to collectors.

Palais Royal sewing boxes and their superb mother-of-pearl contents, considered by collectors to be the ultimate sewing box, are illustrated as are the glorious carved ivory needlework tools that originated from the Dieppe region of France. The Victorian lady chose her sewing box, work table or sewing set from the extensive range available of which illustrated examples include tortoiseshell, papier mâché, Tunbridge ware and Mauchline ware. This was also the era of the sewing circle and hand-made needlework tools were created in abundant numbers, many surviving for today's collectors' market.