Haynes Repair Manual : Dodge Ram 50/D-50 : Pick-ups & Raider

1979 thru 1993, All gasoline engine models - Also includes Plymouth Arrow models

Haynes Repair Manual : Dodge Ram 50/D-50 : Pick-ups & Raider
€ 29.90 9.99 *Les prix incluent la TVA
Code article08265
Dit boek is nieuw, maar niet in perfecte staat!
Ce livre est neuf, mais ne pas en parfait état(usage magasin)!
This is a new book, but not in perfect condition(shelf wear)!

Haynes Repair Manual
Dodge Ram 50/D-50: Pick-ups & Raider 1979 thru 1993
+- 280 pages
b&w photos and drawings
Soft cover
28 x 21 cm
0,572 kg

Inside this manual you will find routine maintenance, tune-up procedures, engine repair, cooling and heating, air conditioning, fuel and exhaust, emissions control, ignition, brakes, suspension and steering, electrical systems, and wiring diagrams.
Dodge Ram 50/D-50: Pickups & Raider 1979 thru 1993
All gasoline engine models
Also includes Plymouth Arrow models