The Golden Age of Cigarette Lighters

Colibri, Dunhill, Evans, La Nationale, Lancel, Ronson, Dupont, Zippo, Scripto, Thorens .....

The Golden Age of Cigarette Lighters
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Article code06254

The Golden Age of Cigarette Lighters
192 pages
color photos
Hard cover with dust jacket
28 x 22 cm
1,244 kg

Here is what could be the largest collection of vintage cigarette lighters ever assembled. It is a fascinating chronicle of cigarette lighters' Golden Age. This era begins with the primitive lighters made at the turn of the 20th century and continues through to the contemporary Scripto Vu-Lighters of the 1960s. These popular personal accessories were made by the most widely known and respected manufacturers of the time including Dunhill, Ronson (Art Metal Works Company), Evans, Scripto, and Zippo, as well as many smaller, specialized manufacturers. Stunningly photographed, the book is illustrated with over 1000 color photographs of vintage lighters including the debonair "Town and Country" gentlemen's lighters, beautiful and fanciful Art Deco lighters, whimsical figural lighters to one of a kind Zippos. Invaluable as a reference for collectors and antique dealers, it is conveniently organized by country of origin and includes essays by noted experts in the lighter collecting field. Current values as well as detailed descriptions are included in the captions.