Antique Cigar Cutters and Lighters

Antique Cigar Cutters and Lighters
€ 77.00 62.00 *Prices include VAT
Article code06253
Antique Cigar Cutters and Lighters
174 pages
color photos
Hard cover with dust jacket
28 x 22 cm
1,088 kg

From the end of the Civil War until the explosive popularity of the cigarette in the early twentieth century. the cigar was king. For the pleasure and convience of cigar smokers a wide variety of smoking accessories were manufactured, including cigar cutters and lighters. The cutters range from simple vest pocket models to ingenious mechanical contraptions that would occupy a prominent place on the counter of the local tobacconist. In between are beautifully sculpted Vienna bronze and wooden desk models. In many cases these are combined with lighters, to offer the smoker full-service convenience. The lighters range from alcohol dips to electric devices. They are sometimes cast as stunning figures or are elegantly formed lamps, using blown glass or pierced tin. Beautiful color photographs document these wonderful objects, accompanied by concise, informative descriptions. The text places the cutters in their historical context and contains helpful information. A value guide is included.