Goldsmiths' Art - 5000 Years of Jewelry and Hollowware

Goldsmiths' Art - 5000 Years of Jewelry and Hollowware
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Article code08535
Goldsmiths' Art - 5000 Years of Jewelry and Hollowware
239 pages
Color and b&w photos
Hard cover
27 x 20 cm
1,054 kg

A comprehensive presentation of 5000 years of goldsmithing history, with a wide range of examples in the areas of jewellery, utensils and receptacles. This publication provides an informative overview of the art of goldsmithery, through 364 illustrations.

A glittering overview of the history of the art of goldsmithery from ancient times until the nineteen-nineties: The objects created in each era are presented in a historico-cultural and art historical context, with concise outlines of their use of form, typology and technique. Masterpieces of goldsmithery provide fascinating testimonies to how it has evolved over the course of its 5000-year history and they are presented understandably and clearly through texts and images: from the Gold Mask of Tutankhamun, earrings from Troy, Benvenuto Cellini's salt cellar and 'Diana's Bath' by Johann Melchior Dinglinger, via brooches by René Lalique or Georges Fouquet, to contemporary art jewellery by Gijs Bakker, David Watkins or Otto Künzli.