Chinese Snuff Bottles

in the Collection of Mary and George Bloch

Chinese Snuff Bottles
115.00 *Prices include VAT
Article code09958
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Chinese Snuff Bottles in the Collection of Mary and George Bloch
665 pages
Color photos
Hard cover
29 x 22 cm
3,348 kg

This catalogue illustrates and discusses more than 400 snuff bottles, including many of the very rare examples enamelled on glass and copper within the Palace workshops. There are complete sections illustrating almost all the known varieties of snuff bottle, including those made of jade, hardstone, and semi-precious materials such as coral, porcelain and metal. These varieties are discussed within the context of Chinese decorative arts as a whole and this book finishes with a section describing a group of bottles with scenes painted on the interior. This catalogue has been published to accompany an exhibition opening at the British Museum in June 1995.