Trams and Buses on Stamps - A Collector's Guide

Trams and Buses on Stamps - A Collector's Guide
€ 22.00 10.00 *Prices include VAT
Article code11278
Trams and Buses on Stamps - A Collector's Guide
114 pages
Color photos
Hard cover
24 x 16 cm
0,513 kg

In this, the fourth edition of the Transport Philately series the author looks at the treatment of transport using roads rather than rail or air. There have been some particularly attractive and colourful issues of stamps over the years ranging from a trio of beautifully presented illustrations of Israel's early buses to the well-known issue of double-deck buses produced by the Royal Mail in 2001, and who incidentally have seen the commercial opportunity by accompanying many issues with other paraphernalia, including a gentleman's tie featuring many of the bus illustrations. A well-known colleague in the Public Transport world still wears his!

Buses certainly are not as popular in the world of stamps as possibly aviation or wild-life, and trolleybuses even less so but the author has succeeded in finding a few, some of which are illustrated. Tramways, on the other hand, are a blessing to any collector with selections many and varied, some featuring trams from the beginning of the 20th century for their heritage interest to others providing an outlet of national or local pride at the inauguration of today's systems in developed and developing countries across the world.